For 37 years, the Barbarian Warriors reveled in the hunt for pleasure and game under the lead of Reyda. Though they amounted to nothing more than bait and fodder, the Warriors found tremendous pride and honor in fighting alongside the woman they exalted as a god.
Then Reyda abandoned her followers and disappeared....
The Warriors lost their way. Eventually, many of them returned to their tribes, bringing their stories of adventures and glorious victories. They continued hunting game and actively participated in defenses against frequent wolf threats. Many hot blooded youths continued to be inspired to walk the Path. However, the glory days under Reyda became a distant memory.
Hundreds of years later, in 4 BFZ, a Warrior named Redyja appeared at the annual Reyda Festival, announcing that she is the descendant of Reyda. She demonstrated her superiority over the other Warriors by displaying trophies of wild animals that have long been driven out of the Plains and won the Festival competition. News of her emergence and prowess spread like wildfire, especially among the Warrior communities in the tribes. As Redyja's fame grew, the Barbarian Warriors started to believe that a new god has arrived to lead them into glorious battles.
In 2 AFZ, Redjya persuaded several Warrior communities to seek out greater game; the Grand Army of Zegon. This is the beginning of the Insurgence, a period of strife that lasted for more than 50 years. The Barbarian Warriors started to attack the soldiers in the Grand Army of Zegon, as well as pillage and loot villages. The Insurgence started with sporadic attacks and the intensity increased slowly with time.
The Insurgence forced the Warrior communities to take sides. Many communities and solo Warriors joined the insurgents, out of loyalty for their lineage or base desires. There were also Warriors and Warrior communities that have a good relationship with the kingdom, and remained neutral. None of them were willing to take up arms to go against their own brethren.