Friendship with the Silvil.
The alliance that was formed between the Kingdom of Zegon and the Silvil elves strengthened over the years as King Xath regularly visited Iriol. King Xath was very intrigued by the elvish culture and he learnt as much as he could from Iriol. When Iriol felt he could trust King Xath, he began to reveal more about the elvish knowledge of the world. King Xath made the effort to pen down what he learnt from Iriol and kept his journals and records in the palace library.
Beyond the Lands of the Silvil.
In 39 AFZ, King Xath was granted permission from Iriol to explore the Great Forest beyond the lands that belonged to the Silvil. Only Harlek and Relsik, Kelsius's successor as the Chief Advisor, were allowed to accompany their king. Iriol appointed thirty Silvil elites to protect them from the danger posed by the untamed wilds. Iriol explained that the Silvil used to live in small groups throughout the entire Great Forest. Centuries ago, for some reason yet unknown to them, wild beasts and monsters started to appear in great numbers in the Great Forest, hunting and killing the elves. The Silvil gathered together in order to defend against these wild beasts and monsters, eventually building the city that they live in now. Since then, the Silvil were unwilling to leave their city and the rest of the Great Forest was left alone. Iriol attempted to persuade King Xath not to go ahead with his expedition due to the danger but the King was adamant in exploring more of the world.
In the course of their exploration, they visited prominent landmarks in the Great Forest, like the Great Waterfall, the Tree of Life, and large statues of past elvish lords. Having lived their entire lives on the plains that formed a large part of the kingdom, these sights were an eye-opener for the trio. Relsik took the opportunity to make drawings of these sights. The group encountered the wild beasts and monsters that roamed the Great Forest on many occasions. The Silvil elites and Harlek were able to fend them off but most times they barely escaped with their lives. The trio stayed in a wooden lodge in Vaelunr, the capital of the Silvil, provided by Iriol. They would return to the lodge to rest for a few days in between their travels to visit the elvish landmarks.
In the course of their exploration, they visited prominent landmarks in the Great Forest, like the Great Waterfall, the Tree of Life, and large statues of past elvish lords. Having lived their entire lives on the plains that formed a large part of the kingdom, these sights were an eye-opener for the trio. Relsik took the opportunity to make drawings of these sights. The group encountered the wild beasts and monsters that roamed the Great Forest on many occasions. The Silvil elites and Harlek were able to fend them off but most times they barely escaped with their lives. The trio stayed in a wooden lodge in Vaelunr, the capital of the Silvil, provided by Iriol. They would return to the lodge to rest for a few days in between their travels to visit the elvish landmarks.
Death of Harlek.
In 40 AFZ, Harlek fell ill with old age. However, he pressed on with the travels, unwilling to give up the opportunity to witness more of the world. Shortly after, he became seriously ill and passed away during one of their travels. The guides carried his body back to Vaelunr, and with the blessings and approval of Iriol, escorted his body back to the Hall of the Anointed. He was given a grand but solemn funeral befitting of his status at the place of his birth. He died at the age of 65.
Death of King Xath.
King Xath also began to feel the effects of old age and his advisors persuaded him to stop his travels so as to not exert his body any further. Together with Relsik, they arranged the records of their expeditions in the palace library. He hoped that one day, these records will become important references for future explorers.
In 44 AFZ, King Xath passed away in his sleep. He died at the age of 71.