Xath II's Early Years.
Xath II was born in 5 BFZ shortly before Xath started his diplomatic expedition to persuade other tribes to band together to form a unified human civilization. At the age of 5, he was given the lands that previously belonged to the tribe of the Green Spider after his father founded the Kingdom of Zegon. He lived with his parents in the Royal Palace and given a well-rounded education to prepare for his eventual ascension as the king. As a child, Xath II was well-behaved and took to his education with enthusiasm. He was eager to learn as much as he can. At the age of 20, he moved to the castle that was already built for him in the city Zidpe. With the help of his advisors, he administered and ruled Zidpe.
Xath II's Temporary Rulership.
In 22 AFZ, King Xath gave the rulership of the kingdom to Xath II when he led his first expedition into the Great Forest of West Span. Xath II ruled the kingdom from his castle. The affairs of the kingdom was mostly handled by his father's ministers. Nevertheless, Xath II had to make crucial decisions and give critical orders. In 23 AFZ, Xath II sent out a message to the people in the kingdom to encourage citizens to move into the new settlements created by King Xath's expeditionary force. In 25 AFZ, following the resurgence of the Barbarian Insurgence in Znyke, Lord Kelsius sent a messenger to Xath II for reinforcements. Xath II ordered Hulzek to mobilize some sections of the Protectorate to assist Lord Kelsius in his city, eventually crushing the Insurgence.
During his temporary rule, Xath II took the opportunity to put his own plans for expeditions into motion. While his father explored the Great Forest of West Span, Xath II believed that he should explore the seas. He made many trips to the coastal city Zhis. He collaborated with Lord Forln of Zhis to engage shipwrights to build up an armada of ships capable of long travels out in the seas.
In 26 AFZ, King Xath returned to regain rulership of the kingdom, but leaving again in 39 AFZ for further expeditions. During the period between 26 AFZ and 39 AFZ, Xath II split his attention between ruling his city and supervising the progress of the construction of the armada in Zhis. In 39 AFZ, Xath II once again took over the rulership of the kingdom from his father. Even when his father returned from his expeditions in 40 AFZ, he left the affairs of the kingdom largely to Xath II.
Xath II's Ascension.
In 44 AFZ, King Xath passed away in his sleep. Xath II ascended to the throne at the age of 49. He moved into the Royal Palace and brought his advisors along. His trusted advisors served as understudies to the ministers.